
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

 Early Friday night services time:
7:30 pm

Kiddush sponsored by Rabbi Lazer and Rochel Lazaroff
in honor of the birth of Raizel Shoshana Hecht
and in honor of her parents,
Rabbi Asher and Dini Hecht
and their incredible work on behalf of the Jewish community of McAllen, Texas!

This weekend we observe the fast of "Tish'a B'av". As it is on Shabbos, most of the observances are postponed to Sunday. For more about the history and observance of this day, see below.

Special Tisha B'av services will be held at Chabad House. See Upcoming Events for details.

Special Stories in the Talmud class this Shabbos on the theme of Tisha B'av.
Pre - Fast meal will be served during class.
6:30- 8:00 PM

Allan & Joyce Camhi take great pleasure in inviting the Chabad House community to the Upsheren celebration of their son,
Yaakov Avraham

In Chabad House at Texas Medical Center
Monday, July 30
11 Menachem Av, 5772
5:00 PM


Chabad House Happenings

Early Friday night services time:
7:30 pm


Kiddush sponsored by: Allan & Joyce Camhi
in honor of Allan and Yaakov's birthdays!

Mazel Tov!! 

This week begins the period of the "Nine Days". For special laws and customs click here

Shabbos classes are growing! Join us for any of the following classes each and every Shabbos.

9:00 - 10:00 AM: Chassidus
7:00 - 8:00 PM: Stories in the Talmud
8:30 - 9:00 PM: Pirkei Avos - Ethics

Chabad House Happenings

Early Friday night services time:
7:30 pm

Torah reading this Shabbos by Elad! 

Kiddush sponsored by: Allan & Joyce Camhi
in memory of his grandmother on the occasion of her yahrtzeit.

 The new semester of Torah Studies is here!

Stimulating and practical life lessons from the Torah portion brought to you by the Jewish Learning Institute and led by Rabbi Lazaroff.
Tuesdays, 7:30  8:30 PM

Shabbos classes are growing! Join us for any of the following classes each and every Shabbos.

9:00 - 10:00 AM: Chassidus
7:00 - 8:00 PM: Stories in the Talmud
8:30 - 9:00 PM: Pirkei Avos - Ethics

Chabad House Happenings

Early Friday night services time:
7:30 pm

Shabbat morning services followed by buffet kiddush lunch

Sponsored by: Alex Dinur



Join us for a stimulating Torah Studies class offering insightful and practical lessons from the weekly Torah portion.

Tuesday, 7:30 - 8:30PM  

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