
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

Friday night services begin this week at 7:00
Kiddush following Shacharis services. Sponsorship still available. 

Yom Kippur
We all had a beautiful and inspring Yom Kippur with a full house! A special thank you to Peretz Lazaroff for assisting in leading the services and for his Torah reading and to Raizel Lazaroff for the children's program.
Thank you to Rochel for a plentiful and delicious break fast that really hit the spot! Thank you to Mrs. Barbara Hines for sponsoring the break fast.

It's not too late to reserve for Dinner Under the Stars!
Join us for "Dinner Under the Stars" at Chabad House! Still the largest Sukkah in Houston - and the best food too! $20 Adult. $10 Child. $180 Sponsor. Full tme university students free. Reserve here.

Sukkot Schedule
Eve of Sukkot - Sunday, Sept. 30: Services 6:30 PM & Dinner Under the Stars
First Day of Sukkot - Monday, Oct. 1, Services 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Second Day of Sukkot - Tuesday, Oct. 2 Services 10:00 AM & 7:00PM
Full Kiddush lunch in the Sukkah on both days!

Sukkah Open House & Lulav & Esrog
The Chabad House Sukkah is open to the public throughout Sukkot! If you are in the area, feel free to use the Sukkah for your meals during Sukkot! While you're here, a lulav and esrog will be available to shake as well!
See you soon!

Chabad House Happenings

Friday night services begin this week at 7:00
Kiddush following Shacharis services. Sponsorship still available.

Rosh Hashanah Recap
Rosh Hashanah services this year were truly inspiring! We welcomed guest rabbinical students Peretz Hildeshaim, Peretz Lazaroff and Mendel Moskovitz who assisted in leading the services and blew shofar at Rice University, Texas Medical Center and those in the area who were not able to make it to shul.
Lunches both days of Rosh Hashanah were plentiful, elegant and...Rochel's style. Need I say more? Thank you to our sponsors, Allan & Joyce Camhi and David & Miriam Gratvol.
The weather was perfect for our walk to Hermann Park for Tashlich. It looked more like a parade with all those who joined us!

 Yom Kippur
It is not too late to reserve a seat for Yom Kippur! Lunch not included :). Join us for the break fast after Yom Kippur too!

Last call to order your own Lulav and Esrog set for Sukkot! Prices start at $50. To order or for more information: [email protected]

Reserve now for Dinner Under the Stars!
Join us for "Dinner Under the Stars" at Chabad House! Still the largest Sukkah in Houston - and the best food too! $20 Adult. $10 Child. $180 Sponsor. Full tme university students free. Reserve here.

Chabad House Happenings

Friday night services begin this week at 7:15

Kiddush following Shacharis services sponsored by Dr. Leonard and June Goldberg.

Rosh Hashanah is only a few days away! Do you know anyone who still needs a place for the High Holidays? Bring them to Chabad House or any of the Chabad services around the city. They'll have a blast and.... it's a Mitzvah!

At Chabad House, there will be lunch following services on both days of Rosh Hashanah.
First day is sponsored by Allan and Joyce Camhi.
Second day is sponsored by David and Miriam Gratvol.
Reserve your seats now at

Do you know anyone must be in the hospital over Rosh Hashanah? Give us a call and we'll send them dinner! We can also arrange for them to hear the Shofar on both days of Rosh Hashanah. 713-522-2004.

Community Happenings

Friday night services begin this week at 7:30.

First Fridays for Rice University students begins tonight! Special student Shabbat services on the first Friday of every month.
Looking forward to a great Shabbos and a great year!

Kiddush following Shacharis services sponsorerd by Anna Gratvol in honor of Alex Gratvol's  safe return home! Welcome back!

Shhh! Share this only with your best friends!
Full Kiddush lunch will follow services on both days of Rosh Hashanah.
First day is sponsored by Allan and Joyce Camhi.
Second day is sponsored by David and Miriam Gratvol.
Reserve your seats now at

Torah Day School of Houston is having their second PTO Chinese Auction to raise money for a much needed new playground.
Help these kids get the playground they deserve!
Win great prizes and so a mitzvah at the same time.
No matter where you live, you can join the auction and help make the playground a reality! Need not be present to win.

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