Friday Night
Services at 8:00 pm
Shabbos Day
Shacharis 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Allan & Joyce Camhi.
Shabbos Afternoon
Talmud Class: 7:00pm, Mincha: 8:00pm followed by Pirkei Avot, Maariv and Havdala
Tisha B'Av
This Monday evening is the eve of Tisha B'Av, a day of mourning and fasting to commemorate the destruction of the Holy Temple and the devastation it wrought upon the Jewish People and the world for the past 2,000 years. For more on Tisha B'Av, click here.
Tisha B'Av Service Schedule
Fast begins: Monday, July 15, 8:22pm
Fast ends: Tuesday, July 16, 8:51pm
Monday, July 15, 8:30pm
Screening of "Triumph of Hope" - and emotionally gripping documentary featuring Holocaust survivors recounting their faith and Jewish identity during devastating times. Followed by Maariv and Eicha
Tuesday, July 16
Shacharit services without Tallit and tefillin. Time to be determined.
Tuesday, July 16, 7:30pm
Mincha with Tallit and Tefillin and Maariv for conclusion of Tisha B'Av.