Friday Night
Michah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 8:00 PM
Shabbos Day
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch
Shabbos Afternoon
7:45 PM: Mincha, Pirkei Avot, Maariv, Havdalah and screening of "Living Torah"
17 Tammuz Fast Day
The 17th of Tammuz is on Shabbat this year, so the fast day is postponed to Sunday. For about the 17th of Tammuz, click here.
Fast begins Sunday morning at 5:03 AM
Fast ends Sunday evening at 8:59 PM
New Engagement!
A hearty Mazel Tov to Michel Skura upon his engagement to Chani Jalusi of Coral Springs, Florida! May your wedding preparations be quick and easy and may your home be one filled with Torah and Mitzvot, joy, love and happiness! We look forward to celebrating with you when you return to Houston!