Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:00PM
Shabbos Day
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by
A special Hakhel farbrengen will be had on the occasion of the first yahrtzeit of Mendel Cotlar, z"l this Shabbos.
Shabbos Afternoon
6:50 PM: Minchah, Maariv, Havdalah and a viewing of "Living Torah".
Dinner Under the Stars
Join us for our annual Dinner Under the Stars Sunday, September 27, 6:45 PM. The company is great, the food delicious, and the Sukkah is beautiful. Adults $20 Children $10 Sponsor $180 College Students Free. For more information and to reserve click here.
Save the Date!
Aishel House Benefit Gala - Thursday, December 10, 6:00 PM