
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 6:45 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by David & Myra Simon in honor of David's birthday. Mazel Tov!

5:45 PM PM: Laws of Shabbos
6:45 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv, Havdalah.

High Holiday season is upon us!
Rosh Hashana Eve: Sunday, October 2.
Rosh Hashana: Monday & Tuesday, October 3 & 4.
Yom Kippur Eve: Tuesday, October 11
Yom Kippur: Wednesday, October 12
Sukkos Eve: Sunday, October 16
First Days of Sukkos: Monday & Tuesday, October 17 & 18.
Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah Eve: Sunday, October 23
Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah: Monday & Tuesday, October 24 & 25. 

Time to order your Lulav & Esrog! 
Place your order for your Lulav & Esrog by emailing [email protected]

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:00 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Dr. Les & Mary Garb in honor of the yahrtzeit of his mother, Goldie Garb, a"h.

6:10 PM: Laws of Shabbos
7:10 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv, Havdalah.

High Holiday season is upon us! Mark your calendars.
Rosh Hashana Eve: Sunday, October 2.
Rosh Hashana: Monday & Tuesday, October 3 & 4.
Yom Kippur Eve: Tuesday, October 11
Yom Kippur: Wednesday, October 12
Sukkos Eve: Sunday, October 16
First Days of Sukkos: Monday & Tuesday, October 17 & 18.
Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah Eve: Sunday, October 23
Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah: Monday & Tuesday, October 24 & 25. 

Chabad House Happenings

Services resume this week at 1950 Dryden Rd. #2. 

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:15 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Michel and Chani Skura in honor of the birth of their daughter, Rachel Ella. Mazel Tov!

6:10 PM: Laws of Shabbos
7:10 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv, Havdalah.

High Holiday season is upon us! Mark your calendars.
Rosh Hashana Eve: Sunday, October 2.
Rosh Hashana: Monday & Tuesday, October 3 & 4.
Yom Kippur Eve: Tuesday, October 11
Yom Kippur: Wednesday, October 12
Sukkos Eve: Sunday, October 16
First Days of Sukkos: Monday & Tuesday, October 17 & 18.
Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah Eve: Sunday, October 23
Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah: Monday & Tuesday, October 24 & 25. 

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:30 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Paul and Susan Danziger in honor of the Julia Danziger's Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov!

6:20 Stories in the Talmud & Laws of Shabbos
7:20 PM Minchah, Maariv, Havdalah and a viewing of "Living Torah". 

A warm welcome to Rabbi Peretz & Mushky Lazaroff, who have joined the family of Chabad rabbis and shluchim of the Rebbe to Houston! 

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