
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:45 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch.

7:40 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv.

New JLI Course begins this Wednesday, May 10, 7:30 PM
Survival of a Nation: Exploring Israel through the lens of the Six Day War 
Traditionally, Jews maintain a fervent allegiance to Israel and also lobby against human rights violations around the globe. This course explores the compatibility of these two values, examining Jewish perspectives on controversial human rights accusations leveled against Israel.
To register for this course, click here.

The unveiling for Emil Steinfink of blessed memory, who was a member of our Shabbos minyan for 20 years, will take place this Sunday, May 7, 2:00 PM at Beth Jacob Cemetery. As the family lives out of town, they would very much appreciate our assistance in making a minyan. Please contact us to let us know if you can join for the unveiling. Email: [email protected] or Phone: 713-522-2004

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:30 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch.

Shabbos Afternoon
7:25 PM Minchah, Maariv, Havdalah.

Remainder of Pesach Observance Schedule
Sunday, April 16
7:31 PM: Candle Lighting
Monday, April 17 - Seventh Day of Pesach
8:27 PM: Earliest candle lighting from existing flame.
Tuesday, April 18 - Last Day of Pesach
8:36 PM: Yom Tov Ends. Wait one hour before eating chometz to allow rabbi to buy it back.

Pesach Shul Schedule
Sunday, April 16 - Eve of Last Days of Pesach
7:30 PM: Mincha, Maariv
Monday, April 17 - Seventh Day of Pesach
10:00 AM: Shacharis, Musaf followed by Kiddush lunch 
7:30 PM: Mincha, Maariv
Tuesday, April 18 - Last Day of Pesach
10:00 AM: Shacharis, Yizkor, Musaf, followed by Kiddush lunch
6:45 PM Mincha 
7:00 PM Seudat Moshiach in anticipation of his imminent arrival! Sponsored by the Camhi Family
8:25 PM Maariv, Havdala.

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:30 PM

Shabbos Day          
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch.

Shabbos Afternoon
7:25 PM Minchah, Maariv, Havdalah.

Pesach is Coming!
Time to sell your chometz and order your matzah! To sell your chometz,click here

Pesach Observance Schedule
Monday, April 10
11:14 AM Finish Eating Chametz
12:18 PM Finish Burning Chametz
7:28 PM Candle Lighting
8:11 PM Earliest Kiddush for Seder
Tuesday, April 11 - First Day of Pesach
8:23 PM Earliest candle lighting from existing flame and earliest Seder start.
Wednesday, April 12 - Second Day of Pesach
8:23 PM: Yom Tov Ends.
Sunday, April 16
7:31 PM: Candle Lighting
Monday, April 17 - Seventh Day of Pesach
8:27 PM: Earliest candle lighting from existing flame.
Tuesday, April 18 - Last Day of Pesach
8:36 PM: Yom Tov Ends. Wait one hour before eating chometz to allow rabbi to buy it back.

Pesach Shul Schedule
Monday, April 10 - Pesach Eve
7:30: Mincha, Kabbolas Shabbos, Maariv
Tuesday, April 11 - First Day of Pesach
10:00 AM Shacharis, Musaf at Aishel House followed by Kiddush lunch at the Lazaroff Residence
7:30: Mincha, Maariv, Counting of Omer
Wednesday, April 12 - Second Day of Pesach
10:00 AM: Shacharis, Musaf at Aishel House followed by Kiddush lunch at the Lazaroff Residence
7:30 PM: Mincha, Maariv, Havdala
Sunday, April 16 - Eve of Last Days of Pesach
7:30 PM: Mincha, Maariv
Monday, April 17 - Seventh Day of Pesach
10:00 AM: Shacharis, Musaf at Aishel House followed by Kiddush lunch at the Lazaroff Residence
7:30 PM: Mincha, Kabbolas Shabbos, Maariv
Tuesday, April 18 - Last Day of Pesach
10:00 AM: Shacharis, Yizkor, Musaf, at Aishel House followed by Kiddush lunch at the Lazaroff Residence
6:45 PM Mincha 
7:00 PM Seudat Moshiach in anticipation of his imminent arrival!
8:25 PM Maariv, Havdala.

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