
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:00 PM
Dinner following services by RSVP.

Shabbos Day       
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch.

7:15 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv. 

Motzei Shabbos Selichos 1:15 AM 

High Holidays This Week
Our first year in the new building! Join us for Rosh Hashanah services and all meals at Aishel House. Full children's program.

If you are looking for an inspiring and meaningful High Holidays or if you know anyone who doesn't have a place to go, join us! To reserve seats for services or to RSVP for the meals, click here!  

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:15 PM
Dinner following services by RSVP.

Shabbos Day       
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch.

7:15 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv. 

Mazel Tov!
A hearty Mazel Tov to Danny & Sara Goldberg and the entire Goldberg Family upon the birth of a baby girl!.....and boy! May they enter their new baby boy into the Covenant of Abraham and raise the twins to Torah, Chupah and Maasim Tovim!

Chabad House Happenings

Friday Night
Minchah-Kabbolas Shabbos-Maariv: 7:30 PM
Dinner following services by RSVP.

Shabbos Day       
Shacharis: 10:00 AM followed by Kiddush lunch sponsored by Dr. Isaac Goldberg in honor of the community.

7:30 PM: Minchah, Pirkei Avos. Maariv. 

Hurricane Harvey 
Needless to say, this has been a difficult and traumatic week for everyone in Houston and especially for those who suffered devastating losses to floods in their homes. We pray for the city of Houston to be made whole materially, emotionally and spiritually.

If you know someone who flooded and needs help cleaning out their homes or if you would like to volunteer to help others clean their homes, go to to sign up. If you would like to donate to help others in need during this difficult time go to to donate to the Chabad Harvey Relief Fund. 

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