
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

Pesach is Here!
Shmurah Matzah will be available for sale at Chabad House for $25 a pound. While supplies last. 

Remember to sell your Chometz before Pesach! Click here to download the sale of Chometz form.

Seder to Go
If you know someone who will be in the hospital on Pesach and would like a Seder to Go package, please have them contact Rochel by Thursday of this week to arrange for a Seder to be delivered to them. 713-522-2004

Chabad House Happenings

Pesach is Coming!
It is time to start thinking about Pesach already! Shmurah Matzah will be available for sale at Chabad House for $25 a pound. While supplies last. 

 Remember to sell your Chometz before Pesach! Click here to download the sale of Chometz form.

Kosher Chili Cookoff 
Yes, your read correctly. Aishel House Holy Chili Peppers have been invited by the Dallas Kosher Chili Cookoff to represent the city of Houston in this year's event. Proceeds from the cookoff will be shared with the JFS Harvey Relief Fund. If you or someone you know is in Dallas this weekend, come cheer on the reigning Kosher Chili Cookoff champions at the cookoff!

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