
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

 New JLI Course: What Is? 
Rethinking everything we know about our universe

It is not too late to join this fascinating course! 

Imagine that you were able to rethink everything you knew about the universe, the laws of nature, your own consciousness, and the very idea of existence and reality. Imagine the new insights you will gain, the fresh perspective with which you will embark on the journey of life each morning.

What is? does exactly that. Drawing on the wisdom of Chassidic teaching, the most basic building blocks of existence are reexamined from the bottom up, revolutionizing our understanding of life, reality, and our place in the world.

To register for this fascinating course, click here. 

Chabad House Happenings

New JLI Course: What Is?
Rethinking everything we know about our universe

Imagine that you were able to rethink everything you knew about the universe, the laws of nature, your own consciousness, and the very idea of existence and reality. Imagine the new insights you will gain, the fresh perspective with which you will embark on the journey of life each morning.

What is? does exactly that. Drawing on the wisdom of Chassidic teaching, the most basic building blocks of existence are reexamined from the bottom up, revolutionizing our understanding of life, reality, and our place in the world.

To register for this fascinating course, click here. 

Chabad House Happenings

Week in Review
Our first week of Chametz has been quite busy! Families who came to spend Pesach with patients staying at Aishel House have returned home, making room for more patients and families to move in. While we correct some issues with our kitchens, we are continuing to provide essential meals for patients in the medical center. Kiddush lunch will take place in the Sukkah Patio. Looking forward to see you in shul!

New JLI Course: What Is?
Rethinking everything we know about our universe

Imagine that you were able to rethink everything you knew about the universe, the laws of nature, your own consciousness, and the very idea of existence and reality. Imagine the new insights you will gain, the fresh perspective with which you will embark on the journey of life each morning.

What is? does exactly that. Drawing on the wisdom of Chassidic teaching, the most basic building blocks of existence are reexamined from the bottom up, revolutionizing our understanding of life, reality, and our place in the world.

To register for this fascinating course, click here. 

Chabad House Happenings

Week in Review
This week has been a whirlwind of mitzvos! From daily minyan morning and evening, to many Pesach meals going out to the hospitals every day! As we approach the final days of Pesach, may we go from Guelat Mitzrayim to the ultimate Geulah with Moshiach!

New JLI Course: What Is?
Rethinking everything we know about our universe

Imagine that you were able to rethink everything you knew about the universe, the laws of nature, your own consciousness, and the very idea of existence and reality. Imagine the new insights you will gain, the fresh perspective with which you will embark on the journey of life each morning.

What is? does exactly that. Drawing on the wisdom of Chassidic teaching, the most basic building blocks of existence are reexamined from the bottom up, revolutionizing our understanding of life, reality, and our place in the world.

To register for this fascinating course, click here. 

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