Dear Friends,
T.G.I.S., Thank G-d It's Shabbos!
We are so fortunate to have this day when we must turn off our phones, our TV's, radios and computers and have a day of rest and sanity. After this week, we can sure use it.
This Shabbos we will read the portion in the Torah that tells about the sacrifices our forefather, Avraham made for G-d and for Mankind. Tucked into the end of the Torah portion we learn how Avraham planted an "Aishel" in the desert. Our Sages translate "Aishel" as an oasis of comfort, calm and sustenance in the harsh desert environment.
With all the uncertainty and stress, we are fortunate to continue our forefathers' tradition to be the beacon of light and an island of calm for patients and their families.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Gut Shabbos!