
Shul News

Chabad House Happenings

Dear Friends,

This is our Shabbos! The Torah portion of this week tells us of the first Aishel House in the world, established by Abraham in the desert as an oasis of nourishment, comfort and warmth. Join us for a Shabbos of all of the above!

We are still looking for a good used vehicle for our interns' Mitzvah Mobile. If you know someone who has a vehicle they would like to donate, let us know. 

Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Lazer & Rochel Lazaroff 

Chabad House Happenings

Dear Friends,

Our Aishel House Mitzvah Mobile (aka our interns' car) is no longer drivable. If you or someone you know has an older car that was ready to retire and you would like to donate it to Aishel House, please contact us. There are so many Mitzvos it can do every day!

We welcome NCSY of New Jersey to Aishel House for Shabbos and look forward to an inspiring and fun filled Shabbos. Join us for prayers as listed in our calendar! 

Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Lazer & Rochel Lazaroff 

Chabad House Happenings

Dear Friends,

"And Yaakov went on his way". After a month of holiness, inspiration and celebration, we are ready to take all that was accumulated and apply to the coming year. May it be a great one!

Mazel tov, to Rabbi Menny and Tonia Chazanow upon the birth of a baby boy! May they bring him into the Covenant of our forefather, Abraham, and raise him into a life of Torah, Chupah, and Good Deeds! Mazel tov! 

Good Shabbos!

Rabbi Lazer & Rochel Lazaroff 

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