
Chabad House Happenings

Friday, 24 November, 2017 - 5:37 pm

 Shul Schedule in right column. 
Note early evening times!

Celebrate, Support and See the New Aishel House!

December 2, 2017 - Saturday night - 7:45 PM

Honoring Michael Kupferman, M.D., Physician and Friend Award
Tracey Blumrosen, Volunteer of the Year

By now you should have received your invitation in the mail. If not, consider yourself invited. Tickets and sponsorships are available at  

Mazel Tov!
A hearty Mazel Tov to the Slonim and Lazaroff Families on the birth of a baby boy to Rabbi Shmuli and Nechama Slonim! The Bris and baby naming will take place tomorrow, Shabbat after morning services. Mazel Tov!

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